Workshops > Prospective for the detection of new molecules in the interstellar mediumProspective for the detection of new molecules in the interstellar medium Organisers: Laurent Margulès (laurent.margules@univ-lille.fr), Jean-Claude Guillemin (jean-claude.guillemin@ensc-rennes.fr)
Thursday, 27 October 8:30-12:00 Summary: Currently more than 260 molecules have been detected in the interstellar medium (MIS), the vast majority of these compounds have been detected by their rotational signature via their centimetric and millimetric spectrum. Until 2019, the number of molecules detected was 3.7 molecules on average per year (Mc Guirre et al., 2018, Astrophys. J. Suppl. Ser. 239, 17.). The last two years have seen an explosion in the number of detections with 7 in 2020, 41 in 2021 and already 3 for this year. (http://www.astrochymist.org/astrochymist_ism.html), with the particularity of many sulfur molecules and cycles. We propose in this workshop to bring together astrophysicists, chemists, and spectroscopists in order to establish a list of priority targets, to discuss the feasibility in the laboratory. Each rotational spectroscopy group in the PCMI community has complementary skills. One of the objectives will also be to distribute these projects between the different spectroscopy groups. The functionalities of the new Lille database (L.S.D.) which brings together all the studies carried out in Lille for more than 10 years will be presented. This new database does not compete with but complements existing ones (CDMS, JPL, SPLATALOG) because it contains several entries not available on these databases, in particular those presenting large amplitude movements. Organization : Session 1 : 8h30 : Introduction (J.-C. Guillemin, L. Margulès) 8h40 : I. Kleiner, H.V.L. Nguyen, S. Khemissi, M. Schwell (LISA) " High resolution spectroscopy of interstellar internal rotors" 9h05 : M.-A. Martin & O. Pirali "(Sub-)millimiter-wave spectroscopy of astrophysical molecules at ISMO : experimental setups and current projects" 9h30 : R. A. Motiyenko & L. Margulèes "Nex experimental developments and the Lille Spectroscopic Database" Session 2 : 10h30 : A. Coutens (IRAP) "Recent detection of molecules in the interstellar medium" 11h : Round-table discussion |
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